Friday, July 25, 2008

Take Action Against Beer Ads in the NCAA

Taken from the Center for Science in the Public Interest's Take Action website:

Since 2005, 348 institutions of higher education — including Arizona State, Ohio State, Texas Tech, and the Universities of Florida, Minnesota, and Nebraska — and 16 athletic conferences have endorsed the Campaign for Alcohol-Free Sports TV’s “College Commitment” pledge to work toward eliminating beer advertising during televised college sports.

That pledge essentially asks that the NCAA live up to the intent of its own policies on advertising. The NCAA’s advertising and promotional standards on their face plainly “exclude those advertisements and advertisers...that do not appear to be in the best interests of higher education and student-athletes.” NCAA advertising rules specifically prohibit ads for cigarettes, other tobacco products, organizations promoting gambling, and alcoholic beverages, yet they permit ads for beverages with alcohol content of 6% or less (beer)!

Please take a moment to send a quick message to NCAA President Myles Brand urging the Association to take a leadership role to remove all alcohol advertising from televised NCAA sporting contests. This action would support college administrators’ efforts to help reduce alcohol-related problems, send a consistent message to college students and other young people about the impact of underage and excessive drinking on their health and well-being, and conform to general NCAA advertising policies.

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