Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things you didn't know about secondhand smoke.

We all have a right to clean air some people however do not get to have that right. Clean air is something that some people do not take for granted but here are some of the effects that secondhand smoke can cause.

To view the complete article click here:

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning.

Some people may not know the signs of alcohol poisoning however, this article will help someone get a better understanding of what to look for in alcohol poisoning. People should always remember if they are in doubt then there is nothing wrong with dialing for help if they hesitate it could cost a life.

To view the complete article click here:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is the most commonly used illicit drug?

If you guessed marijuana then you are correct. People may not think that marijuana may harm them because some see it as an "herb" this however is not the case. Marijuana can cause just as much harm as any other illicit drug.

To read the complete article click here: